Your Pocket Coach

More than just another personal trainer

Hey there, I’m Sophia

I’m your coach, friend and devil on your shoulder that you hate to love.

I’ve got the knack for turning everyday people that need a bit of guidance into exercise powerhouses that have minds and bodies they are incredibly proud of. Over the last 9 years, I’ve been fortunate enough to work with over 500 people to improve their lifestyles, but I wanted a way to help even more.

The COACHD app has everything you’ll ever need to become the fittest, strongest, most confident version of yourself you’ve ever seen.

So let me help you transform your mental and physical health so you can live the life that you deserve.

Choose Your Plan

Decide between one of my
pre-programmed options or a 1-1 personalised coaching plan then simply checkout to start your subscription.

Create A Profile

Once you’ve checked out, you’ll be redirected to a page including a link to join the COACHD app. Select this and create your profile.

Get Started

You'll receive instant access to your program if you've purchased a pre-programmed option. You'll be able to access all features included in your chosen service right away.

Your Plan, Your Way

I know that everyone is in a different place with their fitness journey. That's why I've created options for all levels. Choose the plan that best suits you, your abilities and your goals.

What My Clients Say

“Training with Sophia has really changed so much for me. I was never a gym person, it was a real struggle to get me there. Now not only do I enjoy my workouts but I’ve made so many healthier life choices because I have the confidence and the encouragement due to this lovely lady. I have never looked or felt better. Thank you so much.”

Naomi Diamond

“Sophia got me on my journey to greatness. She not only taught me about form, she guided me through improving my food intake to optimise my training. She’s taught me to stop being concerned with the number on the scales, but how my body feels. I’m a better person because of her guidance on the gym floor and in classes.“

Susan Veal

“Sophia is a constant source of motivation and inspiration, and has helped me move beyond some of my long standing and unhelpful approaches to training and weight loss, which have held me back from reaching my goals. I cannot recommend Sophia more highly and I feel genuinely privileged to be part of her training team.”

Sybilla Waring